Synchronous Classes: The Dos and Don'ts

Many institutions are moving to synchronous classes using online platforms like Zoom. There are some dos and don’ts you should keep in mind when joining your virtual classroom. 

  • Unless you are instructed otherwise, DO abide by the same attendance and participation rules and expectations applicable to your in-person class. You should be in a space without distraction or interference and be able to access your course materials.

  • DO log on and stay after class for the same kind of discussion and questions that happen before and after in-person class sessions.

  • DO position your camera to avoid glare in the background. Only you should be in front of the camera with your face clearly visible. Eliminate visual and auditory distractions.

  • DO use the online class as an opportunity to observe, assess, and refine how you come across in a professional setting. You will see your video image for the duration of the class. That's how the professor sees you and how your future colleagues see you.  

  • DO obtain advance permission from your professor if you would like to record the class.

  • DO have your video on throughout the class. Otherwise, you may be marked absent.

  • DON’T keep your microphone on the whole time. Mute it when you are not talking. The class environment suffers when others can hear sirens, a crying baby, a barking dog, or email notifications. Mute, mute, mute your microphone. It’s important.

  • Similarly, DON’T have a hot mic moment by going to the restroom, driving, or doing anything else you’d regret others hearing or seeing. Yes, going to the restroom and driving were examples I learned of on the listserv today.

Above all, practice common sense and respect the learning environment for yourself and others.

*Thank you to Anahid Gharakhanian, Professor of Legal Analysis, Writing & Skills at Southwestern Law School, who granted The Law School Playbook permission to use some of the tips she incorporates in her hybrid course.